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Founded in March 2020, The Black & Brown Podcast Collective is an ecosystem of podcasters, creators of color, and allies who are redefining the media landscape. They are changing the narrative. They are telling their stories from their unique experience and perspectives. They are countering racism and gender bias, challenging stereotypes and sharing more inclusive stories direct from the people who are experiencing them. We amplify Black voices. We amplify voices of color and the voices of our allies.


We seek to create a structured digital platform where podcasters and content creators of color can seek funding, and opportunities to scale and where fans can listen, support and engage with podcasts and content creators of color.


  • A structured space where our community of podcasters and creators can have ongoing support for their podcast and content. 

  • A structured space where fans can listen, support and engage with podcasts and content creators of color

  • A structured space where our community of podcasters and creators are learning, networking and thriving as a content creator.

  • A structured space where our community of podcasters and creators are promoting their content and events in an organized way.

  • A structured space to raise awareness, promote civic engagement, participation, helping the masses to gain insight into the experiences of Black and people of color... 

  • A structured space to promote our community of podcasters and content creators that broaden knowledge, engagement and understanding of the experiences of Black and persons of color through an historical lens and/or present terms (e.g., modern day segregation, Black women experience, intersectionality, LGBTQIA+, and gender equality). 


To create a digital platform WHERE:

  • Podcasters of color can seek grants, opportunities, education, and mentorship 

  • Podcasters can engage in online networking with other podcasters, content creators, service providers and fans

  • Podcasters of color are highlighted and promoted digitally to a national and global audience

  • Podcasters of color can be connected to their listening audience through online and off-line

  • opportunities and experiential events


  • We believe in unity and community.

  • We believe in diversity and inclusion.

  • We believe in creating opportunities.

  • We are anti-racist and anti-hatred.

  • We believe love is love.

  • We believe in philanthropy.

  • We believe in cultural competency.

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