Since 1992 Visionaries lead the way and show others that it can be done on a very grassroots level. Tyler Perry, a man of strength, a man of great persistence, and most important, a man of faith - showed the world that when all odds are front and center, one can overcome and become a modern day film and television icon. Amidst poverty and homelessness, Tyler Perry would write his first play "I Know I've Been Changed" a play, that would ultimately change his life. And, it was through this play that gave him great agency to succeed and conquer theater all the way to the Hollywood big screen. And, though there were many set-backs, he used these roadblocks to fuel the passion, and the writings to many of his movies that are revered today. Currently, you can find Tyler Perry writing and directing his original films, television shows, and content at the Tyler Perry Studios, which is one of the largest production studios in the world. And, did we mention, it's his? We call Tyler Perry a leader, a visionary and role model, as he has clearly shown to the world that opportunity and success can be created on your own terms and without a co-sign.